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Showing posts with the label #Bitcoin #Private #Electrum #Wallet #Claim #Fork #BTCP #Trezor #Ledger #Private

Cryptocurrency Mining Disadvantages

The misuse of corporate resources We have detected a series of incidents involving employees who deliberately installed cryptocurrency ( BTCP Wallet ) mining software on their business device to gain personal gain. The unscrupulous employee does not have to pay for the electricity required to operate the equipment he uses at work: his employer does it for him. He therefore converts this electricity into cash by requisitioning it for mining purposes. This type of behavior is often considered a violation of the compliance rules and expands the attack surface of devices with the mining program. It puts the device of the company in danger and increases the operating costs, because the equipment used for mining purposes generally have a higher electrical consumption. Over the past twelve months, the cryptocurrencies most often concerned by this type of activity were the Ethereum and the Monero, two altcoins whose mining can generate profits without causing excessive incre...