Motor insurance is mandatory to drive a vehicle legally. It is different from motor trade insurance . What does it consist of, how does it work, what are the different types of auto insurance? Motor insurance: a compulsory step Since car has been a legal obligation for any driver wishing to travel, and more generally in a specific geographical area (DOM-TOM, Europe, etc.). The main function of motor trade insurance is to provide compensation for damage that may be caused to a third party by a driver and / or one of his passengers. It covers the costs incurred for injuries caused to an individual (hospital care costs, etc.) and in case of material damage (on other vehicles, but also on real estate, etc.). Driving an uninsured vehicle is an offense punishable by law. It may result in a fine, suspension of license or even impoundment of the vehicle concerned by the offense. The principle Auto insurance is a general term. There are several instances under which these i...