On balance Grand Theft Auto IV it is and remains a GTA until the purest core of the gameplay. A lively city where the player is immersed to carry out a series of missions chosen at his discretion between those available from moment to moment and the variety not always excellent but certainly impact in terms of involvement and fun. Certainly in the long run it may seem repetitive to enter the standardized routine of the car journey to reach a character, accept his mission, reach the point where the work actually takes place, then in most cases, take the character back home. But all this apparent repetitiveness is dampened with great skill by a whole series of extremely deep and involving dialogues that take place in the car between Niko and the passenger of the situation or between Bellic and an interlocutor on the phone: always credible, in line with the character of the characters and with the current game situation. In reality, however, there is nothing really innovative: the syst...