Textile mens
workout clothes customers belong to traditional textile markets or
non-traditional textile markets. Traditional textiles are used for clothing and
accessories, mens workout clothes,
household linen, furniture and floor coverings. Non-traditional textiles are
technical textiles and "other value-added textiles". Technical
textile markets include filtration, transportation, medicine, packaging,
protection, reinforcement, sporting goods, agriculture, construction, civil
engineering and environmental industries. The concept of "other
value-added textiles" refers to traditional textile products to which
advanced technological features have been added, such as leisure and sportswear,
The North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) codes are:
313 Textile Mills: This sub sector comprises the
manufacture, dyeing and finishing of yarns, fabrics and certain textile
314 Textile Product Mills: This sub-sector includes the
manufacture of finished products such as area rugs, carpets, window coverings,
325220 Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments
Manufacturing: This sub sector comprises the production of monofilament,
continuous yarn, strand or two.
and techniques
Monitoring and research on new technologies
and methods of mens workout clothes
● Finding
solutions to improve productivity, responsiveness and quality of production
● Production
program development
● Production
scheduling of mens workout clothes
● Planning
and scheduling of tests on new products or processes
● Treatment
of production process problems
Control and follow-up of the production
Fabricated textile products / materials
(fabrics, knits, nonwovens ... / characteristics, process ...)
● Staff
● Management
● Production
processes and procedures
● Computer
Assisted Production Management Software (CAPM)
● Principles
and techniques of preventive and curative maintenance
● Manufacturing
process (according to the specificities of the products made)
● Production
● Textile
raw materials (fiber origins, characteristics, behavior ...)
Work Analysis and Organization
issues and trends
Manufacturing of basic textiles, such as household
items such as bed linen, towels and curtains, and textiles used in clothing
manufacturing of mens workout clothes,
has largely evolved into low-cost countries of the world. Niche products such
as, for example, high quality products, special performance characteristics,
fast response to customer aesthetic preferences, rapid inventory replenishment,
and whether they are heavy or inefficient for transportation, as is the case
with case for carpets and pillows are still manufactured today. Tissues have
many uses, but in addition to those that are usually thought of, such as the
woven carbon fibers used in composite structures, non-porous coated
geosynthetic fabrics used for on-line disposal of tailings ponds, para-aramids
(eg Kevlar) and antibacterial mattresses and pillow shams in health care
facilities, seat belt webbing or slings and fiberglass used to make a range of
molded products, including boat hulls, tubs, spas and auto parts.Today's
textile companies manufacture for a wide variety of technical and niche
applications and are an integral part of the supply chains of many important
industries in today’s world. Belts for safety belts or slings and fiberglass
used to make a range of molded products, including boat hulls, bathtubs, spas
and auto parts.
Today’s textile companies manufacture for a wide variety of
technical and niche applications and are an integral part of the supply chains
of many important industries. Seat belt straps or slings and fiberglass used to
make a range of molded products, including boat hulls, bathtubs, spas and auto
parts. Today’s textile companies manufacture for a wide variety of technical
and niche applications and are an integral part of the supply chains of many
important industries in today’s world.
In today’s world, the technical fabric operates in a
commercial environment supported by academic research and strong industrial
knowledge, which is conducive to further growth in this sector. Advances in the
global textile industry have led textiles to compete more and more with other
materials such as metals, wood and plastics for applications traditionally held
by these other materials. Composites are an excellent example. In addition, new
textiles, such as "indeterminate" textiles or those that conduct
electricity, are increasingly being considered in applications that make them
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